Week 1 - Sharing our Experience

Be sure to introduce yourselves to one another in Welcome to System Dynamics post on the WALL. 

For this week's sharing please answer these questions:

  • What might I expect to learn from this course?
  • Describe your experience of downloading VensimPLE and building your first model?
  • Who are my team mate(s)?


  1. Some of my thoughts: 1) I expect to learn from working with you as we struggle with models and a graphical analysis platform (ever remembering that reality always precedes models!); 2) I have to keep remembering to hold down ALT while connecting arrows and pipes and LOCK to stabilize the view of the system I am making; 3) you are all my team mates -- my plan is to meet all of you (if you can!) every Saturday from 10-noon (ET; UTC -5) on Zoom. Thanks!

  2. I expect to learn how to see how a conclusion of data actually makes sense by looking at the model (model given or model that we are creating). Downloading VenismPLE was pretty simply building the model in Video 2 was at first difficult because I think we have a different version than in the tutorial. I had to kind of find different functions which visually looked different and were worded different. For example, the rate is actually the flow tool in my Venism.

  3. It does look like we must make our own update! The jv model might be the replacement! Thanks!

  4. I expect to learn how data is used and makes sense when looking at models. I also plan on learning about models through data and graphical analysis. My first experience downloading VenismPLE was simple but I found the videos to be difficult to learn and figure out. Hopefully that gets easier as the semester rolls on. My team mates are Kyle and Matt and I am excited to get to work!

  5. 1) In this course I expect to learn how to use system dynamics as an analytical tool to complete a task. 2) Downloading VensimPLE was pretty simple however, I was having troubles understanding how to save each run into a singular model to submit for the assignment. 3) My teammates are Laurice and Wyatt.

  6. From this class, I expect to learn how to better interpret data models. In my experience, downloading Vensim was relatively easy. The only issue I stumbled upon was putting all the answers to the questions into one model. My team mates are Somesh Dhanpaul and Wyatt Madej.

  7. What might I expect to learn from this course?
    - How to use Vensim confidently and how to better understand looking at data models.

    Describe your experience of downloading VensimPLE and building your first model?
    - Downloading VensimPLE was confusing for me at first because it was not allowing me to open the download. However, I realized that I did not download the MAC version for Vensim. Once, I did that it was a quick fix and easy download! I really enjoyed creating my first model. I learned a lot and I feel that I got the hang of using the application. Watching Professor Foote's video while completing the model was super helpful!

    Who are my team mate(s)?
    Alfredo Delgado and Zahan Meyer

  8. I expect to learn how to create and analyze models in VensimPLE to better understand problems. My experience downloading VensimPLE was pretty simple. However, I struggled to build my first model. It was helpful to watch Professor Foote's video about building the joint venture model because I was able to become more familiar with the software. However, I've never used this software before, so it'll take me some time to get used to the tools. My team mates are Nicole Brosnan and Megan Ganess.

  9. Great comments and shares. Yes, it does take time to get used to the model and the software. I always forget to press ALT and click together! Teams are forming! Yay! Thanks and Peace!

  10. I'm excited about gaining proficiency in creating and analyzing models using VensimPLE to gain a deeper understanding of various problems. The process of downloading VensimPLE was quite straightforward for me, but I did face some challenges when building my initial model. Thankfully, watching Professor Foote's video on constructing the joint venture model proved to be incredibly helpful. It not only guided me through the steps but also allowed me to become more acquainted with the software. Learning can be a journey, and I appreciate the resources that make it smoother. My group is Zahan Meyer and gabby Mazzotta.

  11. Since I was a civil engineer during my undergraduate, I was never exposed to software like VensimPLE before. I hope to learn more about this software and data analytics as a whole throughout this course. When downloading VensimPLE, I did not run into any difficulties. When I was doing my first model, I found that I needed to keep reminding myself to change the value on the sliders after running each simulation. My teammates are Kyle Gucwa, James Hogan, and Jack Shanley.

  12. I expect to learn how to use VensimPLE to create models of different real-life problems and how to interpret them. I found the process of downloading VensimPLE easy but I have never used the software before and thought making a model was a bit difficult. The system is finnicky and I have to remember to hold down the ALT key. I also had some issues saving and downloading my completed model, which I hope to fix next week. My teammates are Chelsea Fedigan and Megan Ganess.

  13. Through this class I expect to learn how organizations can use system dynamics as the core analytical technology to achieve mission-critical goals. Downloading VensimPLE was fairly straightforward, but navigating working it and building my first model was difficult for me. After watching Professor Foote's videos, I was able to work through some of my issues. My teammate is Logan Padgett.

  14. 1.) I switched over from biochemistry to pursue an MBA so learning more about system dynamics and vensim is a priority to me and I am looking forwards to understanding these topics and tools!
    2.) Downloading vensim was simple and straightforwards, although I did struggle to make my first model. This software is new to me so I was unfamiliar with the different tools vensim provides, and what the data it provides even means and what its applications are.
    3.) My teammates are Matt Scully, Jack Shanley, and James Hogan

  15. I'm looking forward to learning how to create models using VenismPLE and seeing how different data may affect the outcome of the models. Downloading Venism PLE was pretty easy but I think getting used to everything on the program might be more challenging. So far I am just trying to get the hang of it. My teammate is Kaylie Guthy.


  16. In this course, my goal is to understand how organizations leverage system dynamics as a fundamental analytical tool to accomplish mission-critical objectives. The process of acquiring VensimPLE was relatively simple, but I faced challenges in navigating and constructing my initial model. Professor Foote's instructional videos proved helpful in addressing some of these difficulties. I'm partnered with Dominique Velarde.

  17. I've had limited experience with non-Excel modelling and data visualization, so I am interested in gaining some exposure to alternatives in this course, as well as the statistics they make use of. My first experience with VensimPLE was slightly hampered by my getting used to the UI (mainly the saving of separate runs and scenarios), but I found changing the values and using the sensitivity analysis to be fairly straight forward. In particular, I think the automatic graphical comparisons between runs is a very helpful feature from Vensim.

    For the project, I will be working with Matt Rienzo and Jacob McCole as my teammates.

  18. So far 22 of your class mates are accounted for! There are still four of you out there. Please let us know you are okay! Thanks and Peace.

  19. In this course I expect to gain a solid understanding of system dynamics and its practical applications. I believe learning these concepts will be valuable for real-world problem-solving. Downloading VensimPLE and building my first model was a surprisingly smooth experience. The installation process was straightforward. Building the first model was a fun and engaging process. My teammates are Chelsea Fedigan and Nicole Brosnan.

  20. I might expect to learn from this course about system dynamics and how they are used in today society. It was a little tedious to download VensimPLE, with having to do all extra steps to download it. This my first time using Venism, it hard at first to build the model but after watching video and playing around with it I got better understanding how it works.

  21. This is my first time using a software like Vensim! I'm really excited to develop new skills and adding to my little portfolio of "know-hows". Vensim was quite easy to download which was a nice surprise because my elderly computer usually gives me a hard time. My partner in this class is Ariana.


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