MBA 611 - Week 1 Share - Sharing our Experience

Be sure to introduce yourselves to one another by replying to this post. 

Form teams of 2-3. 

For this week's sharing please answer these questions:

  1. What might I expect to learn from this course?
  2. Describe your experience of downloading VensimPLE, R and R Studio and building your first model?
  3. Who are my team mate(s)?


  1. Again, Welcome to System Dynamics 101 -- the Inference edition! I look forward to meeting your here.

    1. Hello everyone! I expect to learn how to use R-Studio and learn the basics of programming in a business context. My group members are Jake and Adam. I found it challenging to download VensimPLE and R-Studio, but I managed to figure it out in the end! I'm looking forward taking this class with you all

  2. Hi everyone, my name is Jake Hatch. Through this class, I expect to sharpen my analytics skills both in regards to consuming and manipulating data, but also through becoming more proficient with tools such as the R programming language: in addition to getting experience in Vensim: which I had never used before prior to this class. I had already used R studio, but I found Vensim to be relatively user friendly when building the models: as I know that's the reputation it generally has. I anticipate that it will be useful to be able to easily transport my Vensim models into R for seamless data analysis. If anyone would like to be in a team let me know!

  3. Thanks Jack, I look forward to working with you this term.

    1. 1. I expect to pull together a business problem using a way to systematically depict relationships and the way they play out over time. But more than that I want to take that understanding into a statistical simulation which leads to using my understanding with observed data from the relationship. I hope to be able to interpret these results with appropriate visualizations for someone who is not at all familiar with all of the workings of my understanding, under the hood so to speak.
      2. There are aspects of Vensim that are frustrating: a) holding down ALT by touching the mouse pad and then drawing an arrow into a flow valve; b) forgetting to freeze the canvas so I do not repeat a graph or any other object. I find the models to give me good directions when I err. I do not use the comments enough or the dimensions. I shall work on this during the term.
      3. You are all my team mates.

    2. R? Can't get enough of R, R Studio. Next week we will install cmdstanr, the package API to Cmdstan and Stan. That will be a bit daunting, but will help us understand the role of uncertainty in our business dynamics models. R Studio gets better every year. The Posit cloud is a great resource for modeling.

  4. Hi everyone— I'm Kaylie Guthy.
    I am really excited for this class. Professor, I remember telling you one day my favorite undergrad class was advanced statistic with Tomoiaga— you had then told told me that I should definitely take this class because it's like that one "but on crack"! Nonetheless I am very excited and a bit nervous. I'm really looking forward to brushing up on my old RStudio skills. I have working knowledge of Vensim but have struggled with it in the past and hope to lock in and truly learn it.

    1. Yes, I remember the conversation! The crack refers to "cracked pepper" LOL! The Bayesian statistical model is at the basis of the tensorflow and keras ML algorithms I think you were exposed to. Enjoy the ride!

  5. Hi everyone my name is Tyler Morrissey. What I expect to get out of this class is to build upon my analytics skills and see how it applies to real-life situations. I have experience with R but this is my first time using R markdown. I also know how to use Venism to a certain extent.

  6. Hello all, my name is Adam Pasterski.
    I have no experience with R or Vensim, so I expect to learn a whole lot about how to design and implement models using these programs. So far, I have really enjoyed using Vensim to visualize and construct the multivariable systems. Making the models in Vensim first has been very helpful when coding in R, which I am starting to get the hang of as I continue to practice and debug.

  7. Hi, my name is Clancy Maloney. I expect to learn how to use VensimPLE and STAN, build my analytical skills and learn how to develop models on these platforms. I had no issue downloading the academic version of VensimPLE, and I have no experience with these programs, but I do have experience with R studio. My teammate is Daina John.

  8. Hi everyone, my name is Alfredo. I expect to learn more about R studio as I am coming from last course the first seven weeks and was able to learn a lot from Vensim. I had trouble as I have an old macbook that I am using so throughout this course I am hoping for a smooth setup and process. I am not sure who my teammates are and I am open if anyone is looking for a group!

  9. Hi everyone, my name is Jake Hatch and I've enjoyed this class a lot! I have experience with R and the syntax, but I haven't done much applying of it to statistical models, or using auxiliary software such as Vensim, so I've enjoyed learning how to do that!

  10. Hi everyone, my name is Matt Rienzo and I'm looking forward to sharpening my skills with R. I have some experience with R from a few other classes and know the basics but I'm excited to see what else it could do. I had no issue downloading VenSim, however I still haven't figured out how to use it entirely. My teammate is Juan Becerra

  11. Hey I'm Juan Becerra, and I'm eager to delve deeper into R. While I've had some exposure from past classes and have somewhat of foundation, I'm excited to continue my exploration in R. Ive never used VensimPLE before and am having issues understanding how to use it but ill get there. I'm excited to collaborate with my teammate, Matt Rienzo!

  12. Hey I'm John Bernardi and im looking forward to taking this class. I'm not familiar with R to be quite honest so I am excited to test my learning abilities by diving into something I know little about. I have also never used VensimPLE either so it is all very new to me. I hope to get a better understanding of these software's and learn about the integral system part of business !

  13. My teammate will be James Mccoy

  14. Hey everyone, I am James McCoy. I am excited to start this class and begin learning more about business software and system dynamics. I have little experience with R and no experience with VensimPLE either so this will be a challenge but I am excited for it. Looking forward to getting to know all of you and working together this summer session. My teammate will be John Bernardi as he mentioned above.

  15. Hi everyone, I'm Chelsea Fedigan.

    1. I'm looking forward to learning more about data visualization with R. I've used it in some of my previous classes, but I've never used it alongside VensimPLE. I hope to learn more about effective data analysis and how best to relay my findings.

    2. I didn't have any problems downloading VensimPLE because I had done so before. It can be a little tricky for me to get used to the VensimPLE interface, but with more practice, it'll get better.

    3. I will be working by myself.


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